Monday, 22 October 2018

11 Difference Between University Of California And California State University

1. The average cost of tuition alone for a full year at most CSU's is currently around $7000 while the average cost of an academic year at a UC is around $12000. 2. There are 23 CSU's located throughout California while there are only 9 UC's for undergraduate. 3. UC systems are known for their approach in developing students that have strengths in research, theory and studies, while the CSU system is more developed for practical applications and non-research oriented career candidates. 4. CSU schools tend to focus on maintaining small, direct class sizes, while UC systems are based on a self-motivated style of learning. 5. Total 447,000 students at CSU. Total 233,000 students at UC. 6. Most CSU campuses have higher acceptance rates than most UC's.  7. College isn't the only thing companies look at when you submit your resume. 8. The UC schools require two essays which share a 1,000 word limit total between them.  CSU schools do not require essays.

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