Friday, 25 August 2017

How to Determine If Someone Is Trustworthy – 19 Points

1. Observe whether they uphold commitments. Often, trustworthy individuals will show up to work or to a date on time to show that they value everyone else’s time. If the person often shows up late without calling to let you know they are running late, or fails to show up at all, these may be signs that they are not someone you can trust to uphold their commitments. 2. Take Your Time No one can hide their true colors for too long. 3. Actions Speak Louder Than Words I don’t know about you, but I’ve totally dated the guy who says all the right things, but then never actually follows through on any of it 4. Before trusting a person, try to determine how often he or she is correct. 5. If you’re thinking of trusting someone with money, assess how financially desperate or materialistic they may be. I'd be a bit dubious of someone who drives a Jaguar and wears a Rolex.  6. Pay attention to how they respond to difficult or challenging questions.  The person may take some time to answer, but note if they change the subject or avoid answering the question. This may be an indication that they are hiding something. 7. When Person X says something is going to happen, does it usually happen? If answer is yes he is trustworthy. 8. Ask yourself, “how do I feel when I’m with them?” We often forget that we can check in with our bodies. Do I feel nervous, sick to my stomach, calm, comfortable, safe? What do I actually feel? 9. They display self-control. 10. They’re comfortable making compromises. 11. People who are lying are more likely to redirect the conversation back to you. If you feel like you don’t really know much about the person after several conversations, or that you are disclosing more about yourself than you’re learning about the other person, this could be a warning sign. 12. People who lie may use less detail than usual when talking about something. They also may give justification for their answers even if they haven't been asked. 13. Does Person X sometimes withhold information in order to make things go more smoothly or to avoid conflict? If answer is no he is trustworthy. 14. They are trusting of others. 15. People who are trustworthy generally respect mutuality and collaboration in communication. 16. Consider how fast they move. Moving into a relationship too quickly is a warning sign of a person who may be abusive 17. Watch how they treat others. 18. Check out social media. It can be difficult to keep up a dishonest facade, especially when we’re all plugged into social media so often. 19. Request other personal information, such as a background check or a list of previous employers.  Most people should not be afraid of a background check if they have a clean record and have nothing to hide.

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