Monday, 21 January 2019

14 Disadvantages Of Being A Lawyer

1. Stress: Deadlines, billing pressures, client demands, long hours, changing laws, and other demands all combine to make the practice of law one of the most stressful jobs out there. 2. Lawyers work long, long hours. 3. Job Prospects: The financial picture gets a little worse when you start to look at job prospects for lawyers. Competition for jobs is pretty high -- and will continue to be so. 4. Cost: The costs of most law school programs are not attainable by the general public, which results in law students taking out tens of thousands of dollars in loans. 5. Dealing with other lawyers can often be the worst part of the job. 6. Threats: Lawyers who work with criminals and other unpredictable people are sometimes the recipients of threats or actual violence. 7. Clients Aren't Spending As Much: Clients have become more conscious of their legal spending. 8. Lawyers don’t make as much money as you might think. Some law specialties are saturated. Overhead such as advertising, office space, insurance and support staff can be expensive and eats away your profits. 9. You deal with people that are at the most difficult time in their life, and at times, are on their worst behavior. 10. Changing Legal Paradigms: The practice of law is changing dramatically and lawyers no longer have a monopoly on the field. 11. In court, if you make a mistake, the opposing attorney will jump to his feet to point out your error and object. Being publicly humiliated is a common occurrence.

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